February 17, 2015

Danish Delights

A few Christmas' ago, I received an Abelskiver maker. Abelskivers are Danish filled "pancakes", which can be filled with anything from jam to whipped cream to Nutella (my personal favorite). They can be made savory or sweet, and the possibilities are quite literally endless!

Although I haven't used the maker as much as I'd like, I've been loving trying out different fillings. I recently made a chocolate-hazelnut spread filled version, and thought I'd take some photos to share! The recipe is very straightforward, and the basic batter recipe comes with the maker, so that's the one I used. 

First of all, mix all the ingredients together and whisk them. The batter should be fairly thin and liquidy. 

 Pour the batter into the wells in the maker. I put the heat at Medium and it was the perfect heat for these. Fill the well halfway through with the batter, then add a dollop of your filling, I used Nutella. Once the filling's inside, pour more batter over the top and let it cook. 

 The trickiest part of the whole process is the flipping of the batter inside the well. I used these traditional Danish wooden "flippers",and it definitely takes some practice to get the hang of it. 

 Once all of your Ebelskivers have been flipped and are cooked equally on each side, take them out and prepare your toppings! My favorites include maple syrup, confectioners sugar, and a side of strawberries! 

 Once you've served up your Abelskivers, settle down with your favorite book, a cup of coffee, and enjoy your handiwork! 
xox, O